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Gliding with a motor wing?

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Has anyone tried un powered gliding with a Paramania Revolution?

You will not get as much lift as a paragliding wing so you need to have a good amount of lift, light wind and you will just go down.

It may pay you to go on a light wind day and do a top to bottom just to get a feel for the wing first rather than just jump in at the deep end, especially if you have not been free flying for a while.

Remember the spring thermals are really punchy now so be careful

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Pete makes a very good point regarding punchy spring thermals.

It is also worth remembering that flying without the motor you will be flying much lighter, therefore the wing will be more lightly loaded and more susceptible to colapses compared to flying with the motor. Fly actively.

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I managed 2 hours non-stop at the Long Mynd on my Revo a few years back.

I noticed that I could not get as high as the other pure Paraglider Wings, but I was not that far off.

2 hours from 5pm to 7pm was great. At 7pm its was like a switch had been turned off, and the wind stopped to almost nothing, so we all bottom landed.

I let my trimmers out full (had them fully in for the 2 hours) and shot past everyone to the landing field. As I got closer, pulled the trimmers back in and landed.

A great memory.


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Best to get in contact with the Club PG coach who looks after the hill you're intending to fly. He can advise what would be the best course of action.

Some hill sites need proof of qualifications and/or proof of post qualification hours (Malvern Kettle Sings) and/or proof of insurance.

A PG club coach would be the safest way to proceed, advising on conditions and local issues/areas of caution. Saturday would not have been a good day for hill newbies due to the strong thermals and 'sucky uppy' clouds.


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I started using the motor after years of free flying and can honestly say that i'm glad i done it this way instead of the motors first. I fly the ozone roadster which is a reflex and according to ozone can be used for thermalling and ridge soaring. Only had a couple of flights on it so not really found out what it can do yet...... but i will as soon as this weather improves!

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