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admin (Simon W)

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I've flown this year with a large one! It would be good to throw it while in the harnees and not in the air to check I can.




Have you ever had to throw your reserve in flight? Do you know anyone who has? Do you even fly with one? It will just be interesting to see how many people here have. :D

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Maybe, I could try to arrange for a reserve packing person to get to the club one day so we can all do just that.

I could have a word with the guy who set up the Big Fat Repack when it first started as I know him very well indeed. I am sure I will get some good pointers from him. (and I recon I can still put up a great death slide!)

Has anyone been to the Big Fat Repack ?

Whats the setup?

I will go to the next one for sure!

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  • 9 months later...


just had an answer to an email enquiry to www.greendragons.co.uk where I was asking for a paramotorclub discount on repacks.

I would be very happy to collect 10 parachutes and give a £5 discount per pilot, our normal RRP for repack, inspection, airing and repacking is £40+vat.

Also, I have an Ariel slide here on the farm/Surrey, right next to my workshop! I would be very happy to run a club day for you offering advice on field/emergency repacking and deploying parachutes whilst your members come flying down our Ariel slide>. PPG harnesses are changing so much, I am sure bringing all the different machines and pilots together you will all learn so much more, my biggest fault finding at the moment with chutes/PPGs is exhausts burning parachute bridles

So two questions:

Are there 10 of us who need a reserve repack ?

And/or who's up for a club trip to test the aerial slide ? I have not confirmed any more details but will do so once I get a feel for interest.

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Well done matey!

Let's make this happen for sure, I have met Andy before once or twice and he is a nice bloke if he is happy to let me slide down his line slide with my motor on my back and chuck my reserve I will be up for that 100%

Again, nice one Dan.

Great contact!


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Rob is currently working at a school in Burnham so we might use their gym to do it. If not my lounge will have to suffice. I'd like to do it on a day when we can get some air blowing through them outside.

I hope this won't stop a group venture being planned to Green Dragons (or anywhere else) though.

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