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Great flight today!

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Just got back after a great flight from Shabbington this afternoon, perfect conditions with no cloud although a bit cold (not moaning)

Got a bit closer that I would have liked to an old ww2 fighter but not that close, just did a sharp turn to make myself more visible (must order that strobe)

Was a load of hot air ballons over the other side of Thame, got a picture but its 22.8mb and can't figure out for to get it down to 800kb for upload :?:?

Tom :acro:

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Snap Tom'

I must admit we have had a lot of flying over the Christmas break, today I got forced down by a snow shower but was back in the air 15 minutes later not as exciting as been tagged by a world war 2 fighter chocks away old chap, Alan

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...hot air balloons over the other side of Thame, got a picture but its 22.8mb and can't figure out for to get it down to 800kb for upload :?:?

Tom :acro:

Hi Tom - you may have already solved this, but just in case....

If you have a 20MB+ image - I presume it must be in RAW format? If so have you checked the software disk provided with your dSLR, which typically provide resizing capabilities?

Alternatively there are a load of image resizing apps, many of which are Freeware.

One invaluable freeware photo app is IrfanView. It is surprisingly powerful, so will do a lot more than just resizing photos. I use it for batch processing and editing EXIF data on friends and family PCs, so keep it on my thumbdrive of Windows utilities.

Here is the IrfanView link

Another very popular freeware Photo Editor app (10million downloads!) on the CNet site: PhotoScape v3.4.

If you are a not a Windows user, then the provided iPhoto application supports RAW and will allow you to resize images.

Hope this is of help. If not PM me some more detail, and I will forward some more suggestions.


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Hi Andy,

Thanks for that, the files are taken raw on a Canon 350d. I put them in cs4 but when I changed the image size I lost all the quality so gave up :( I have done it before but couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong and it wasn't that great a picture anyway so gave up :D .



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