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First flight today at The Flagpole!!.........


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Finally got my feet off the ground for my first flight up at The Flagpole today............ absolutely fantastic experience!! :D:D

Definetly a New Years day that I'll always remember!!

A big thankyou to everyone there today for they're help and encouragement.....Simon W, RAF Colin, Colin (Weesplat), and Mark (Rigger).......... (especially after my first failed take-off attempt!!)

I can't wait now for my next flight!!.............. :D:D

Wishing everyone on the forum a safe and happy New Year.....

Neil :D

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well done Neil, everyone remembers there first flight so l know what an exhillarating feeling you had. and probably a grin from ear to ear.

Springs ahead so it can only get better from here on in.

sorry didn't make it myself today (gutted) a few nips of port the evening before and a lazy layin.


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