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I am back online with my new sexy Mac Book Pro.

I am already loving it, and the software it came with.

PC's are like sooooo yesterday


Congrats Simon ! Hours of fun ahead of you :D

Early days I know - but would recommend that once you have got your system configured to your liking, you get your paws on a copy of SuperDuper (free or Pro version) and an external USB drive. Best computer investment you will ever make... :D



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If only a Quest XC equipped paramotor was mac compatible...

Macs are brilliant at mainstream uses but fall down if you are a user who likes to go off piste.

Hi Fanman - you can always run Windows software under BootCamp for the best of both worlds, if only a few PC apps needed.

Alternatively there are the well tried and tested Parallels or VirtualPC emulation apps if older software applications need earlier Windows versions.


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16 minutes! Ha ha, I had a bet with my missus it wouldn't be long before someone suggests I run windoze on a Mac! I would call that a VERY expensive PC then.
I use PCs and Macs, so have no axe to grind either way.

But you said

...Macs are brilliant at mainstream uses but fall down if you are a user who likes to go off piste.
I just pointed out that isn't necessarily correct (using Bootcamp).

You never mentioned anything about cost being a factor. So your point was ? :wink:

My point was that, if like Simon someone is migrating to a Mac anyway - then they can simply use their existing Windows licence to run any legacy apps. If you think that means that Simon has bought an expensive PC, maybe you should ask him again in a few months.


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I guess I am myself a sort of semi-darksider in that I do use an iPhone. It is so wonderful in so many ways and so rubbish in others. I don't deny that the Mac experience is far smoother than PC however I was told the other day that it has 4% market share. I will undoubtedly join the clan when that share becomes more mainstream and all those software writing individuals whose specialist programs I currently enjoy move over. Hopefully by then the prices will be similar too.

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...(it's just the sanctimonious users harking on about them the rest of us have to endure!)
Couldn't agree with you more Fanman - as the polarized debate between respective Mac and Windows Fanboys/Zealots drives me to distraction. :evil:

Personally I don't care what label comes on the box, it is simply about which provides the best set of tools for various computing needs (office and home).

IMHO both have strengths and weaknesses - which is why I use both...

On the positive side: the rivalry between both camps ensures that the bar continues to be raised (recent Win 7 release), pressure kept on lower prices, and greater interoperability between both flavours.

So 2010 looks set to be a very good year for the consumer.

Until then Happy Xmas ! :D


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As odd as it is....

It was Windows 7 that helped me decide to go for a Mac. It is fair to say that windows 7 is an attempt to copy the Mac system. (I wonder why they did that?)

I don't sit in a camp about this as my time on the Mac is just about 24 hours, but I am very happy at the moment.


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"Don't worry Simon, you will get loads of prejudice thrown your way now you have found 'the path'. The world will seem a simpler place, your computing will progress with awesome simplicity - stuff will 'just work' from now on.

Loading drivers and fault finding will become a lost art - seeking guidance on the internet to make peripherals work will be.... something that 'others' to do.

Brother, you have checked into a five star seat at the temple of graphics heaven. Your Mac will last you years not months, the sun will seem that little bit brighter, the world's colours somehow more lush and radiant... blah, blah, blah...

Don't expect everyone to understand - you have found a new religion. 'Cue angels and etherial music'."


THIS is the Mac you really want for Christmas.... this comes as standard, hadn't you heard? LOL



Enjoy it mate, some people will never understand.... :shock:

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...The thing is that technically the PC architecture needs a sledge hammer to crack a nut.

You wouldn't design it anything like the current state if you started from scratch, no forward thinking from the outset...

Alan in fairness, it is more a case of Windows having to support years of legacy code than not being forward thinking.

[ Fanman - note I am now defending windows :wink: ]

Apple by contrast made the bold decision to ditch its Classic O/S architecture when it moved to OS-X. But there again the userbase was much smaller compared to Windows...


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I cant comment about the vid stuff yet,

But.... I do quite a bit of music stuff and when you have 4-5 software synths running on a top end laptop (pc) it starts to get a little clunky (bitty) It is as heavy if not a little more so on the hardware than video editing applications.

I have had a play with the Mac already and made a little tune with 7 software synths running to play it! (just to see if it would) and it did so, very happily in fact. ( I would be happy to say I could have started a few more as well!)

As I say... not done any vid stuff yet.


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As I say... not done any vid stuff yet.


Video is where the Mac really shines Simon !

It is the main reason I ever looked at the Mac in the first place. Having seen thousands £'s wasted on high end PC's and expensive graphics cards by our Neuro department, I discovered that we could turnaround video clips of operations in a fraction of the time using a five year old Mac G3. Never looked back since.

Anyway iMovie HD gets you of a great start (free with your Mac), and if you then want to go to the next level then check out Final Cut Express, or even Final Cut Studio.

Simon/Cambodia - check out the iMovie Guided Tour here, and various tutorials here.

Have fun - cos you will be stunned at the ease and quality of what you can produce :D


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iMovie which comes as part of iLife package is the dogs. It will enable you to produce really smart and professional movies in just about any format you would want.

A real plus is that it also handles the Sony output AvCHD really simply and works well with HD.

I am a bit of a muppet with this sort of thing, if I can do it then anyone can.


For Macs a really handy tool is Handbrake, this will rip/convert and export just about anything to anywhere. And its free....



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