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1 year on


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Nah I cant remember, I have a few vivid memories in 09 of the flagpole they all kinda merge into one. I remember a low airtime pilot doing a few circuits before attempting to land in the take off area, the wind was rattling and I for one did not fancy his chances of landing on such a small area (the crops were high) he did make it only to be met with Simons suggestion of "why not use that massive field to the right"

Or my flight up to 6000ft (well maybe a tad higher) or I suppose my all time fav, Mark (Morgy) and I going to sit on the clouds that was a beauty.

Now we move into winter mode and mountaineering skiing and oh did I mention I am off on boxing day for a week of speedriding. Little 14m wing and a pair of skis.


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