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fly in


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Hi Jock, hows it going?

Is the Fly in a PMC event or is it the guy from the kite shop, I'm very interested in trying to get hold of this field as a flying site. I'm just down the road in kidderminster. would you be interested in approaching him with me and maybe setting it up as a club if he is interested?


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Yo Mikey

I take it your not on tour at the moment, you've not played a good hand with the weather then m8, you'd be better of on a crew bus!

I think we could do with getting some local pilots together, somewhere near Worcester I suppose. Maybe the Ketch on the A38/A4440 roundabout, not far from Kempsy, or if we want to eat then the Swan at Whittington does good food.

We could then put a proposal together to look for a good space to set up the club from, the ideal would be the kite fields though. I reckon we should just set a date and put up a post inviting interested pilots, at the very least we can have a pint and a chat.

Simon - any help you can offer would be gratefully received, in the first instance can we have a Worcestershire section set up in the club's area, then hopefully this will attract some interest. The guy we need to approach with reference to the kite field is already up on what a paramotor is etc so is an easier approach but do you have a package of information to hand to land owners who may not know to inform them of the activity, its not an easy one to explain. telling someone you want to fly from there field would put the warning signs up straight away. visions of a Cessna and a landing strip etc etc.


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