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Anyone used Oregon Scientific ATC2K Helmet Cam?


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Anyone used Oregon Scientific ATC2K Helmet Cam for paramotoring or paragliging? I might be given one for Christmas.

Does it do a half decent job?

It looks like the most convenient and rugged solution available, but if it is a complete pain to use, it would be better to know now.

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I have an atc3k - I don't think they're much different (ccd wise).

Lots of examples on Youtube - here's mine:

Click the high quality link to see a better version then default.

Even that is scaled down from 640x480.

Cams to a pretty good job of set and forget video. Compact (couple takeoffs with this mounted on my ankle between feet) and water resistant.

Two hours with a 4Gb card on the 3k (I've only ever done 45min at once)

Forget about using the audio as the waterproofing makes it unusable for all but bangs and crackles.

I'm planning on sticking it up in the center of the wing with a hula hoop mount.

Tick one vote for you getting one for christmas...

Good general cam to make a record of it. Not HD by any stretch, but level adjustments are pretty quick (as seen in above vid).

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