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Online flight log

Guest parababe

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  • 4 weeks later...


Nice idea if you are that way inclined - :idea: why not have a section here in the forum called 'Logbooks'? Each pilot could have his/her own 'topic' where they stored their log, available for all to see. You couldn't lose it as it is electronic and you could print it off at will to store a hard copy. What is more, there is no complex programming to do to achieve it - that costs money that could be better employed buying toys or beer.

Date --- Wing --- Motor --- Dep --- Arr --- Time --- ~Remarks any format you want - you create it. It wouldn't self calculate the times but who minds a few sums?

Another bonus in doing it this way might be that you can add links to your album, GPS generated tracks and any other references you want.

Pimps! :lol:

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