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Has been set up for the main purpose of promoting the sport of Paramotoring. We would like the vibe in this forum to remain a positive one, as it says on our homepage 'our one rule is to have fun'

The members have the say!

If you have any thoughts / ideas about how to improve the site please let us know as a member it is you who will benefit.

Not here to govern

We are not here to govern the sport in any way.

Affiliate Clubs

As a club or group of people in the UK who Paramotor you can set up your own affiliate club. Please get in touch if you would like to join in and build your Paramotor Club. Affiliate clubs are 100% free to set up and come with club product discounts for Insurance, Paramotors, Flying Clothing, and most flying kit.

We also intend to hold 'inter club' comps and events. Club hopping around the UK will become the norm allowing people to fly further knowing there will be 20l of petrol at the next club site on the map, our aim is to be able to 'Club hop' the length of the UK before the end of Summer 2008. EDIT *** WE DID THIS IN 2007 *** A year ahead of plan. 

Please get in touch to help us make this happen.

Most of All, Welcome & Enjoy. :!:


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If it’s a factory carb on your motor, can’t quite see it clearly on the phone) you don’t need it on there ‘ I can just see a filter on the bottom pipe from the bottle, so assume it had fuel at some point ‘ put a pic of the carb on here ‘ might of had a different motor fitted at some point, float bowl type carb ? 

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Ok got tighter pic of carb , he converted it to a float bowl gravity feed carb , might have problem with petrol foaming in the float bowl could make the motor run uneven and probably lean due to the vibration I would think , but he may of found a fix for that,  anyway it’s a perfect user friendly set up for a newbie .


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