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Newbie in Central Jersey - Please Help!

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I just found the sport of paramotoring and I really want to start but I don’t know where...

I live in Central Jersey, any recommendation where I should go to train? I’ve seen a lot of people online but they all seem shady. I’ve heard many people recommend Flying Laundry but they are the most expensive of all the training camps I’ve looked at.

If anyone lives in my area can you recommend any take off/land spots? Are there any paramotoring clubs in NJ?

Is there any way I could get into the sport without paying 2000-3000 dollars for training and 10,000 dollars for equipment?

Any help you could provide would be appreciated! 

 Thank you!

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I'm just dipping my toes into the sport also.   YouTube is your friend.   1000's of videos covering most everything, including a good one by Tucker Gott on BUDGET PARAMOTORS.   I believe Tucker's in Jersey.  Maybe you can hook up with him and his buds.

Trusted wisdom says do not pay less than about $4000 for a motor and $2000 for a wing generally speaking.

There are many who have either self trained or got some minimal training then experienced friends helped them the rest of the way.   Find a local group of friendly paramotor pilots, learn where they meet and go make friends.   That's what I'm doing.   I'm an instrument rated private pilot so I have considerable flight experience and know the FAR's somewhat already but a paramotor is aa totally different game.   I suspect I will largely self train with hopefully some help from friends I meet along the way.  

Buy a few of the good books on the topic.   I have and they are really helpful.   Learn all about the wing and the lines and connections before you ever get near one.  I plan to do a good bit of ground kiting before attaching a motor.

That said, many will tell you there is no substitute for advanced, professional training.   Your life may depend on it.

Good luck!

Edited by HangTen
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