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Anti Torque Lamels & VectorBlades

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Lets start at the beginning. On my Air Conception I feel the torque is very well managed, any AC pilot I think would agree to that. I don't need to cross my legs to fly straight, the torque is well managed just like other Paramotors with similar style hang points, MacFly, Parajet Maverick, Miniplane etc, the latest off set S bars all work very well.

I got curious about more anti-torque when I saw more people talking about scout, nirvana and the netting mounted lamels, still sceptical myself and not wanting things attached to my netting, I made my own design. Developed them with some testing and some prototypes later, I was happy and impressed. Fear of being bias to myself I got my results confirmed by another pilot. He was blown away. So then I made a bunch more and sent some out for reviews.

Photo insert is more flight testing in Malaysia.


What it highlighted to me was how much torque is still present even on well designed well managed setups. I would say it is a non issue that does not need solving, not compared to Paramotors of old.

but... once we got it right, the neutral feeling in flight is even better and with no drawbacks, why wouldn't I keep them fitted. I use them all the time now. It is like the icing on the cake.

Comments have been good "I have never flown a paramotor like it, zero torque". Thats not everyones experience, reduced and improved for sure, there is a compromise and it depends on your power vs weight, prop size etc. They work and have real effect. The results are bigger than the sum of the parts, that is what seems so amazing.

So why I am posting now? Woody has a nice unbiased test. He is flying a Tornado with an ACRO wing which is a harder test. He seems happy and also keeping them fitted which says all I needed to know.

Woodys Video below. Some other test videos coming from other pilots I am told. A few pilots known to me have tested and now also flying with the VectorBlades.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anti torque lamels..........my experience. 

https://www.facebook.com/groups/ukparamotorgroup/ (the facebook page has some photo's I uploaded but the text below sums up my experience).

Made from carbon fibre the lamels from Aviator were easy to fit. There is no way they will come off in flight. 
As you can see from the first photo of my trike in flight the torque on the frame from the Moster engine causes a slight rotation making the lightweight trike sit off to the left when on full power. 
So what difference did 14 lamels make to the torque........absolutely no noticeable effect and the trike still sits off centre when on power (second photo). I still had to compensate with weight shift and/or the left trimmer in slightly for straight flight)
Even worse than that is the drag effect. I was having to run 800-1000rpm higher to maintain the same level flight without them (7200rpm verses normal 6200 for level flight) Consequently this slaughtered the fuel efficiency, which isn't good at the best times being a Moster, and took me from 5.5litres per hour to 8litres/hr. I landed after 1hr 28 mins having measured in 12 litres and had just 0.2litres left. I usually get 2hrs with a bit to spare.
So all in all for me they were a massive negative. I will be taking them off and selling them on. Any bids welcome !

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On 17/05/2019 at 11:57, custom-vince said:

Woodys Video below. Some other test videos coming from other pilots I am told. A few pilots known to me have tested and now also flying with the VectorBlades.


Has Woody ever done a video without doing wing overs?   I'm going to call him "Wingover-Woody" haha.

Good videos btw. 

Edited by HangTen
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