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Was I right or wrong

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I love our sport as much as the next man but since the nice weather there has been a couple of guys flying from the common which is surrounded by houses and dog walkers. I went and had a word as I keep getting calls asking if its me flying . I said if you just took off and went somewhere it would be so bad but they stay above the common which is going to annoy people I'm sure. I felt like a typical moaner but I don't want it all highlited. Im sure its not legal to fly from common land ? Should i have just let them be or would anyone else said something ?

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Hi George what was there response , I know we all try to be responsible when flying but some times  we all get so into what we are doing you can lose the bigger picture, if that makes sense. And  when it's pointed out to you it can be quite a shock,!!

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1 hour ago, geoffw said:

Hi George what was there response , I know we all try to be responsible when flying but some times  we all get so into what we are doing you can lose the bigger picture, if that makes sense. And  when it's pointed out to you it can be quite a shock,!!

They were fine about it, I just said if you have to fly from here go somewhere instead of buzzing around the field. I know the difficulty finding somewhere to go in the early days but people will soon get fed up with it .

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Hi George, I'm the pilot who had the flight yesterday. As far as I'm aware I was not breaking any rules, airspace, notams, and maintained a sensible distance from any structures with take off and landing taking place well clear of spectators.

I obviously want to keep a good relationship with the rest of the community, so I'll use this opportunity to open up a nice dialogue between us and anyone else interested.

If I have done something wrong, I apologize, but I'm sure we can move on from here.

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On 31/03/2019 at 18:40, Dan_Davies said:

Hi George, I'm the pilot who had the flight yesterday. As far as I'm aware I was not breaking any rules, airspace, notams, and maintained a sensible distance from any structures with take off and landing taking place well clear of spectators.

I obviously want to keep a good relationship with the rest of the community, so I'll use this opportunity to open up a nice dialogue between us and anyone else interested.

If I have done something wrong, I apologize, but I'm sure we can move on from here.

Dan not sure if it were you or your brother I spoke to, it will annoy people just buzzing around the common as far from my understanding it against the law to take off from the field.Yes you are correct we do look out for each other and the sport of paramotoring hence why I said if you had no where else to fly from you could of come to my friends field but he only likes 2 or 3 of us there and we must take off and go. I asked other people's opinion as I wasn't sure I should of said something to you or not.People will complain as you are flying from a built up area and paramotors are noisey i live around the corner and could clearly hear you. Where you fly from is your choice but take off and go somewhere is the better option.

Cheers George 

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I'm confident you can't just fly from common land; otherwise we'd have lots of other motor sports all over it, green laning with 4x4's and motorbikes. I think you'll find all motor sports are restricted. In Redditch I see people launching from parks; they get away with it by taking off quickly and flying away. 

The actual air law says you must fly at over 500 feet above ground, unless you have the owners permission, i.e. coming into land and taking-off. In an actual emergency (engine failure) you can land most places but are meant to find the owner and apologise, making good any damage to crops (with payment). If they have sensitive animals (race horses, highly strung thoroughbred horses, emu's and ostriched, even deer) officially the land owner is meant to have a message that can be read from the air. In Australia this was done with old tyres painted white, spelling out " No Landings Here".

Then over people, villages and towns you must fly at 1000 feet above the highest structure and high enough to glide away; so over a huge town, 1000 feet wouldn't be high enough.

We are noisy, in the air our noise pollution travels a lot further. Take off and fly away, no-one minds you flying over them at 500 feet once, it can be interesting, but the third time it's just annoying. It's only 9 year old boys that look up and say "WOW" I want to do that!!!

Anyone add to this?

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Actually the law doesn't say you can fly below 500ft with the owners permission.  Rule5 says you may fly.no closer than 500ft to any vessel, vehicle person or structure unless for the purposes of taking off and landing.  Formation flying is a different rule and does require prior consent. 

Common land, or parks, which are different, will have by-laws applicable which may or may not preclude taking of and landing.  Most laws tend to be there to avoid nuisance -so taking off and flying away should not cause a problem.  There's a piece.of land riund here where hot air balloons often launch in summer. Technically i'm sure its not permitted but thankfully we live in GB not Europe where if it's not permitted it is banned.  

What I find odd is that although Salisbury is green as a pool table, I never ever ever see paramotors operating.  

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1 hour ago, AndyB said:

I thought that if there is no "vessel, vehicle, person or structure" you can fly as low as you like. This does not need any permission from land owners as you are not using their land.

Correct. But do remember that (a) you cannot easily see people and (b) some people have agendas which mean they cant tell the difference between a nice fat 1000ft and a dangerous- enough- to- lock -you -up -and- crush- the -aeroplane 100ft. I've also heard of a deaf old general (literally) complain about the noisy dangerous aerobatics performed by...a glider. 

Caveat Aeronaut 


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I enjoy flying around at about 3' agl. This is usually over the farmer's fields that I fly from, where there are no public footpaths. Sometimes I get to go low at the beach, but depends on the pesky dog walkers. ...which can be seen from miles away!

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On the subject of Common Land.

Having lived next to the New Forest for years I know that our notion of what 'Common Land' means is a bit vague (a bit like Common-Law marriages).  Sadly, pretty much all 'Common' Land is owned by the local authority (or in the case of the New Forest, the National Park). Before that it would have been most likely the Lord of the Manor.  It's pretty much a misnomer to think that by being 'common',  you/we/I have a right to do whatever we like on it - most bits of common land come with by-laws. Worth asking though (or getting up v early ;) )

That said, when I was in the New Forest, I did have the right to allow my pigs to roam searching for acorns during 'Pannage' in the autumn... I didn't have any pigs!


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