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Nirvana Rodeo Simo 200 starting problems

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Hi guys,

The nirvana has sat in storage for a few months.

Got it out, charged battery, started up...no problems.


Next day, went to field, started up...all good. Shut down, setup wing, put motor on back...wouldnt start and then popped the fuel primer (rubber stuffed)

Purchased a new primer, started at home, all good.

Next day down to field, started motor and warmed up. Shutdown, climbed into harness leaning back and then forwrds to get in and up on feet, walked over to glider, clipped wing onto carrabiners...motor wouldnt start.


Took wing off, and climbed out of harness, primed motor and after a bit of mucking around, she fired up again. I stopped engine, then restarted...she went first go.

Went through the process of leaning back to get in, then forward to stand up, buckled up, went over to wing, clipped in...no way could i get it started.

Battery went flat...pulled plug and she wasnt flooded...so i went home with the shits!


If i didnt know better, i would say fuel is not staying up to carby and is draining back to tank!

I did try reversing the way primer was connected...if its wrong it simply didnt pump fuel up wt all, so i think i have it round the right way?


I should also make mention...battery isnt great (even though i did cycle it the nite before...i think nimh's need replacing)



Edited by adamjedgar
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Blowing gently through the primer it is easy to tell which way the one-way valve is.

If you can blow backwards through the primer (any amount) then it is no good.

I used to have a similar problem with a Polini. I considered moving the primer bulb so I could reach it with machine on my back. In the end I settled for:

- priming, sit in harness, start up, warming engine up.

- get out, prime a little more.

- get in harness and clipped into wing very quickly, then start again. 

Worked a treat.

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