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Wing Size and Loading

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Hey all. When figuring total flight weight(pilot, paramotor, Fuel(1/2 tank), accessories, reserve chute) for choosing wing size, do you also include the weight of the wing itself?

Also, I've read varying references of what a beginner should aim for as far as wing loading. One source for example, states no less than 9.5 lbs.(4.3KG) to no more than 11 lbs.(4.98KG) per flat area square meter.

Then there's the thought that you should aim for your total flight weight being within a wings upper 1/3rd of its PPG weight range.

So, taking this criteria into account, lets say my total flight weight is 117.3KG. I'm looking at a size 26(flat area) Ozone Mojo PWR with a PPG weight range of 80-130KG. The upper 1/3rd of that range is between 113.3 - 130KG.. So my total flight weight fits within that criteria.

If I do the math for wing loading per square meter. I get 117.3 \ 26 = 4.51KG (9.94 lbs.) per flat area square meter. That fits within the loading criteria above.

If I go 1 size wing larger or smaller, say, 28 or a 24, the math doesn't work out to be within the range of one or the other of those 2 criteria (or right on the edge of being out of range), for choosing wing size.

So this tells me, if I want a Mojo PWR, I should get a 26.


I want to buy a wing and work on ground handling before attending class.

Edited by Trailryder42
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Beware buying anything before training the chances are you'll learn bad habits, or the biggest possibility is you'll injure yourself if without instruction or help, you could put up location and there might be somebody close by who could  possibly assist or help.

If you can afford it buy a new training wing as they give more training opportunities to practice, plus less possibility of getting dragged or injured if you should happen to get wind strength wrong, many who fly from the airfield i use have them and still use them for ground training if they can't use full size wing, and several have been flying for years.

Hope this possibly helps as may cost you less for the future.

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