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Ozone FreeRide 19 Paramotor Wing Amateur Review

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I flew this wing for a week flying down Malaysia and a couple of time in the UK. I think it can be good to see a point of view about a wing from not a pro pilot.  So I made a video review of the FreeRide, I have tried to keep it non comparison to other wings in my review but in the real world, my opinions are based on other wings I have flown which can be different to wings you have flown. So it can be hard. Instead I just went with some minor tests and visual references. watch the video first then I may do a write up on my findings comparisons etc.





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I watched the video^^^^^^.

Those American fellows are jolly excitable, aren`t they!

Do you think they liked it...?

I was amazed to learn that they were flying a 15M (no wonder it popped up so effortlessly in the reverse-launch shot....), so i looked up what size Freeride would be suitable for my weight range - 17M.

I`m currently flying a 27.5 so the tiny 17M Freeride would be a hell of a jump in size and makes me feel like i`m flying a bus.

I`m not thinking of changing my wing anytime soon but what i want to know is how are the latest wings so small yet able to deliver enough lift to match that of other wings like mine that are over 10 square metres larger - it seems impossible! Are wings creating so much lift nowadays that the size can be reduced so much?

Presumably the speed would be quite impressive, but surely any engine will be screaming to keep level at that speed?

Or, is the Freeride (and all the other smaller wings currently available from other makers) not typical in that they are similar in design to `regular` wings but are simply smaller in size and it`s their  small size which makes them attractive to experienced pilots wanting the maximum speed and handling at the expense of having to live with a much more unforgiving and highly-strung character?



..i might be over-thinking this.

I just wanna know how i could go from 27.5 to 17M and be within the same weight range.

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its a good point, I haven't experienced many other of the smaller wings. It did surprise me though and I went in cautiously at first.

Not so many years ago I was flying 29m fusion. I then dropped to 24 GTR, I didn't feel I would have the power or clean launch area to go smaller, it felt enough of a drop at that time. after 6 months, I should have bought the 22. Anyway to solve that I moved onto GTX22. That was faster to launch, this is the first time I noticed till wind launches were faster. Any amount of wind and smaller is simply easier. During my GTX22 time, I got a 23m Magnetic Prototype wing. Fast efficient with very little reflex, this changed my view of reflex slightly and I also started flying my GTX more in slower trims. The magnetic would launch me easier on nill wind days, the wing felt maybe more technical to launch the the GTX which was fast but really simple. Fuel burn. on my 130cc motor I went from 4.5lph GTX to 2.5lph magnetic, flying at the same speed. I learned reflex = drag and inefficiency. Reflex also equals safety questionable in science but in reality reflex felt bullet proof. Having never had a collapse on either wings due to flying in calm conditions. I started to fly the magnetic more and more due to the economy and easy launch. Sold GTX as it was not far from the magnetic in size and style. Moving from 130cc AirConception to Nitro, I had some power to spare. Next I bought a GTS 19 as a fun wing. Found this very hard to launch at my weight in will wind. Its super easy to ground handle, it was just the run and amount of lift I lacked with the power I had available. Some days it was easy, other days I run and run. Up until that I hadn't failed a launch in years. I failed 2 and I was running fast at the time, so went back to my 23m for bill wind days and GTS on days over 5-10 mph.

Zoom to Malaysia where I took my current wing of choice the magnetic23. I met my ozone freeride 19 out there as it was just released. The first launch sites were not perfect so I kept with what I know and flew the mag23. a couple of days in, we got to a big grass field which looked perfect for the first test flights of the Freeride19, I was expecting a good run and a lot of power. I was SO WRONG, this thing popped up and lifted me faster than the 23m I had been flying, which was already more lofty than the 22m I had before. This Freeride 19m is very lifty, I could instantly see why some pilots have been flying 16m viper4's. Those sizes seemed ridiculous as an onlooker, but now I see them as easily accessible.

So while easy to launch, rpm is normal, I'm not screaming away on the engine, still in the 3.5-4.5 lph average for me and nitro. 5200 rpm level flight with a bit of trim out.

It does come with a warning though. They do feel highly strung and exciting to fly. It bumps about, if the air is anything but perfect. That said I was comfortable enough to fly down malaysia and never got the mag23 out again for that trip. I have since jumped back on the 23m for a flight and even that felt big and the brakes feel a bit soft.

To answer part of your question, its very design specific. The Freeride and the Viper4 lift very well for the small size. Other models and brands, I do not know.


Landing smaller wings is nothing to worry about, you come in faster, have lots of flare authority and scrub off all the speed for a gentle landing, it just takes timing. Launching is easy in wind, nill wind will show up if something is to small. I also consider I rarely launch from perfect grass and need extra lift to help from brown sites etc. The more efficient the wing, the more you will feel the lumps and bumps.

Final warning. Any kind of malfunction, collapse etc. is going to have more severe reactions. That said, more loaded is less likely to have a malfunction, but when it does, it will be dramatic.


Hope all that helps you see how at least I got to flying 19m and make it feel normal to me. I have let a couple of other pilots fly. Jumping from 29m nucleon to 19m free ride on a top80. I think we were both surprised to see him actually get up. Test the ground with my 23 first, as its little more sedate. Fly he did and with not a huge effort either (pilot about 75kg), launch was faster. Extra power sure helps.

Edited by custom-vince
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 16/08/2017 at 15:32, custom-vince said:

its a good point, I haven't experienced many other of the smaller wings. It did surprise me though and I went in cautiously at first.

Not so many years ago I was flying 29m fusion. I then dropped to 24 GTR, I didn't feel I would have the power or clean launch area to go smaller, it felt enough of a drop at that time. after 6 months, I should have bought the 22. Anyway to solve that I moved onto GTX22. That was faster to launch, this is the first time I noticed till wind launches were faster. Any amount of wind and smaller is simply easier. During my GTX22 time, I got a 23m Magnetic Prototype wing. Fast efficient with very little reflex, this changed my view of reflex slightly and I also started flying my GTX more in slower trims. The magnetic would launch me easier on nill wind days, the wing felt maybe more technical to launch the the GTX which was fast but really simple. Fuel burn. on my 130cc motor I went from 4.5lph GTX to 2.5lph magnetic, flying at the same speed. I learned reflex = drag and inefficiency. Reflex also equals safety questionable in science but in reality reflex felt bullet proof. Having never had a collapse on either wings due to flying in calm conditions. I started to fly the magnetic more and more due to the economy and easy launch. Sold GTX as it was not far from the magnetic in size and style. Moving from 130cc AirConception to Nitro, I had some power to spare. Next I bought a GTS 19 as a fun wing. Found this very hard to launch at my weight in will wind. Its super easy to ground handle, it was just the run and amount of lift I lacked with the power I had available. Some days it was easy, other days I run and run. Up until that I hadn't failed a launch in years. I failed 2 and I was running fast at the time, so went back to my 23m for bill wind days and GTS on days over 5-10 mph.

Zoom to Malaysia where I took my current wing of choice the magnetic23. I met my ozone freeride 19 out there as it was just released. The first launch sites were not perfect so I kept with what I know and flew the mag23. a couple of days in, we got to a big grass field which looked perfect for the first test flights of the Freeride19, I was expecting a good run and a lot of power. I was SO WRONG, this thing popped up and lifted me faster than the 23m I had been flying, which was already more lofty than the 22m I had before. This Freeride 19m is very lifty, I could instantly see why some pilots have been flying 16m viper4's. Those sizes seemed ridiculous as an onlooker, but now I see them as easily accessible.

So while easy to launch, rpm is normal, I'm not screaming away on the engine, still in the 3.5-4.5 lph average for me and nitro. 5200 rpm level flight with a bit of trim out.

It does come with a warning though. They do feel highly strung and exciting to fly. It bumps about, if the air is anything but perfect. That said I was comfortable enough to fly down malaysia and never got the mag23 out again for that trip. I have since jumped back on the 23m for a flight and even that felt big and the brakes feel a bit soft.

To answer part of your question, its very design specific. The Freeride and the Viper4 lift very well for the small size. Other models and brands, I do not know.


Landing smaller wings is nothing to worry about, you come in faster, have lots of flare authority and scrub off all the speed for a gentle landing, it just takes timing. Launching is easy in wind, nill wind will show up if something is to small. I also consider I rarely launch from perfect grass and need extra lift to help from brown sites etc. The more efficient the wing, the more you will feel the lumps and bumps.

Final warning. Any kind of malfunction, collapse etc. is going to have more severe reactions. That said, more loaded is less likely to have a malfunction, but when it does, it will be dramatic.


Hope all that helps you see how at least I got to flying 19m and make it feel normal to me. I have let a couple of other pilots fly. Jumping from 29m nucleon to 19m free ride on a top80. I think we were both surprised to see him actually get up. Test the ground with my 23 first, as its little more sedate. Fly he did and with not a huge effort either (pilot about 75kg), launch was faster. Extra power sure helps.

so your not selling paramania wings now? are you selling ozones wings? .. now. and do tell what happened to paramania? or you just go with the so called flow...

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I can currently still get Paramania wings. 

For me Ozone have really upped their game lately and feel they are leading the way in performance and range. This is my main reason for offering Ozone. There is something in the range for everyone, when at first the range looks confusing with lots of overlap. Understanding sizing to weight and performance I have been really impressed. Their early reflex and early shark nose, kept me away for a time, with confusing contradicting information. Not now they have really improved these aspects and for me are top of the game.

GTR GTX and Revo3 are still excellent wings with very high passive safety, the Ozones are more efficient, it comes down to what a pilot is looking for. With the light weight Air Conception we have converted some free flying pilots who like to motor and thermal which suits ozone better. I guess its a combination of things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes some if the wether is not so good. If I sit still and the wether is nice, no problem. I would say its neutral as in it does not settle by itself, but does not oscillate by itself.

On the GTR, GTX I shortened the tips a little as this will centre a wing and stop oscillation, I suspect that is what Tucker has done to this free ride. I will try doing that myself also, first though I have moved brake handles from upper to lower position, this needs another adjustment. Once happy with that, I will look at tip line length.

The upper brake position has elasticated pulleys and gave a much more free feeling to the brakes, I could feel more and move my hand around more. In the lower pulley position the pulley is tight against the risers and gives a much tighter feel all round, it is both good and bad. More reactive but feels heavier. Lower is nice though. Just needs getting used to. I may lengthen the brake line a little more as I have zero slack right now. After that, I will tighten tips a bit more.

Another trick on XC wings is keep the tips connected to the B riser. When releasing trimmers the tips effectively get a little shorter. Soon as you get a tiny bit of cupping at the tip, this mostly stops oscillation.

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That's interesting. Thanks. I have to test that myself next time I fly my glider. pulling just slightly on the tip steer to and induce an oscillation and se what will happen. I know that (at least one person) reduced the angle on the motor slightly and got better result on the viper 3.  

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When I first used to get oscillation on my GTR, I learned to sit still and it was gone. Looking down to the ground and up to the wing would change my motor angle and induce oscillation. Crossing my legs helped. I remember a day with rougher weather and trims out I could not reduce it no matter, I just couldn't time the inputs. Slowed the trim and cancelled it with brake inputs. If its all new to you, it takes time to learn the correct timing. I can cancel in 1 brake pull now typically. A pull on 1 tip is often enough to keep it in check.


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It's not a big deal and the oscillation in my viper 3 isn't much but having no oscillations at all is nicer. I agree, moving in the seat starts it. I cancel it with one break input too mostly. I was curious to hear if it that was fixed on the freeride. But a roll friendly and especially high arc type of wing will likely always have a some tendency for this, it comes with the territory. Connecting the tip streer to B line sounds to me like a clever solution. I'll study the risers in air to see what can be done. The little perfectionist in me always like a project :)

I like the idea of having a gilder in between viper and speedster. I have both today and the mixture definitely sounds like a good combination, bit higher stability but roll friendly.

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That in-between speedster and viper is what attracted me to the free ride. As fun to fly as a viper but a little more easy to live with like there speedster. I would say its more viper than speedster in design. Think de-tuned viper rather than highly tuned speedster. I would like to try speedster and spyder in 20m sizes. Loading up the spyder could be fun or maybe still a bit to stable.

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On 10/2/2017 at 16:30, custom-vince said:

Yes some if the wether is not so good. If I sit still and the wether is nice, no problem. I would say its neutral as in it does not settle by itself, but does not oscillate by itself.

On the GTR, GTX I shortened the tips a little as this will centre a wing and stop oscillation, I suspect that is what Tucker has done to this free ride. I will try doing that myself also, first though I have moved brake handles from upper to lower position, this needs another adjustment. Once happy with that, I will look at tip line length.

The upper brake position has elasticated pulleys and gave a much more free feeling to the brakes, I could feel more and move my hand around more. In the lower pulley position the pulley is tight against the risers and gives a much tighter feel all round, it is both good and bad. More reactive but feels heavier. Lower is nice though. Just needs getting used to. I may lengthen the brake line a little more as I have zero slack right now. After that, I will tighten tips a bit more.

Another trick on XC wings is keep the tips connected to the B riser. When releasing trimmers the tips effectively get a little shorter. Soon as you get a tiny bit of cupping at the tip, this mostly stops oscillation.

I have no wish to hijack this thread into a different direction, but your comments here are really interesting (and I can't think why I haven't picked them up sooner). I fly an Ozone Magmax with a trike which has very high hang points - so high that I was never going to be able to use the tip steering. In the belief that redundant lines could only serve to get possibly get tangled at some time in the future, I had them removed before I ever used the wing.

I have extended the brake lines accordingly but if there is any loose play in the lines I do get a slight side to side sway, but nothing serious. I have damped it out by shortening the brake lines just sufficiently to keep everything tight with a little pressure in the wing. I'm wondering if re-attaching the tip steering would  further help to centre the wing. Any thoughts?

Many thanks, Guy

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  • 2 weeks later...

hard to say as it depends on your setup, how much you have shortened the brakes (never a good idea as you could be reducing recovery and reflex trim etc)

Did you completely remove the tip steering or just attached the line direct to the triangle maillons. Is it swinging on slow trim or fast trim. Is the prop a long way back from the risers due to being a trike. lots of things can cause oscillation.

to check I would re-attach the tip steering, maybe add a little line so you can reach it inflight and see if a little tension cancels the swing, look at the wing tip and see how much or how little is required.

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1 hour ago, custom-vince said:

hard to say as it depends on your setup, how much you have shortened the brakes (never a good idea as you could be reducing recovery and reflex trim etc)

Did you completely remove the tip steering or just attached the line direct to the triangle maillons. Is it swinging on slow trim or fast trim. Is the prop a long way back from the risers due to being a trike. lots of things can cause oscillation.

to check I would re-attach the tip steering, maybe add a little line so you can reach it inflight and see if a little tension cancels the swing, look at the wing tip and see how much or how little is required.

Thank you Vince.

Since writing my note above, I was prompted to raise the matter with Ozone. They replied within 12 hours which I think is fantastic customer service and I have copied their reply:-

Removing the TST lines will not affect the roll stability of the wing, it is more likely a result of the position of the hang points on your trike. The wing was designed for PPG use with a ‘normal’ power unit set up but we cannot take into account every different trike set up, the power of the unit can also have an effect with torque induced roll. Is there a way that you can lower the hangpoints of your trike? I am sure this would have a positive effect on the roll stability. As a basic rule, the further away from the wing you are the more roll unstable it will be.  

Otherwise, being smooth on the throttle and adding a small amount of brake can help reduce the oscillations.

Magmax is not a reflex wing so ok there. It is the high hangpoints I have that are the root cause of the issue, but as Ozone have suggested and as I have found out, a little brake (just sufficient to lose excess slack) resolves it.


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