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How much use do you get from your paramotor?

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As a newbie interested in getting into the sport, Im interested in finding out how often you guys take your paramotors out?

Whats the MPG of these machines and how big is the tank? How far do you tend to go in one session?

Weather Dependant

2.5 liters per hour upwards / 10litres

Depends on the strength of the wind and if you are flying into/down or cross wind.

I am sure others will explain better.

Never mind all this just try it and get hooked like the rest of us :D:D

Pete b

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Rob13, I too am new to this, but I'm spending some time while the weather is atrocious soaking up as much info as I can before actually going flying.

As well as this forum, another invaluable resource has been manufacturer websites that give all the technical info you are asking on their respective engines.

Another fantastic resource is the CAA website which has great links to intructionals on things like navigation and meteorology etc etc . There are plenty of others too :D:D

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