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Everything posted by SCresident

  1. The site won’t let me upload a video due to size - I will keep trying. There are currently 2 paramotors circling our house. I’m trying to get 3 young children to sleep. Please can you stay away from residential areas.
  2. Please could whoever is flying low over houses in the GU3 area move away from residential areas? Our 6 year old son has been woken yet again by a low flying pilot and the children find it very scary having you fly so close over our gardens. Please can you stay away from homes.
  3. Low flying and really noisy paramotors still flying all over Loseley / Piccards valley. Started at 6.30 Saturday morning and still going 8.30pm. Please have consideration for the residents. Young children find them really scary and it is so intrusive for us all.
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