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Everything posted by Rotten

  1. I plan on it. I'm doing my start with beehives + paramotoring + kayaking lol. I have a lot of activities I do.
  2. Lol, spreading mulch in my yard today, I believe I figured out what you mean hahah. You don't think this is made up and a marketing thing right? Lol. I'm not at all affiliated with flight junkies. On point... PPG bible came in today! I figured out what I'm going to do. Getting a scout enduro with either a link wing or a mojo. Waiting for someone to get back to me about the link. I like how the mojo is super easy to correct as it does most of the work itself.
  3. Hello friends. The ozone mojo and power atlas wings are 2 that I'm considering for my first beginner wing. Anyone have any experience with these wings as their first wing or even as a more skilled pilot that has tried these wings? Thank you for your time.
  4. Discontinued? Definitely probably something I shouldn't even be looking at being completely new to this sport and still yet to buy my equipment. But it's interesting nonetheless.
  5. I dont understand your snarkiness? Please elaborate if you will, wont hurt my feelings lol. If you have any info on anybody or something to link me to so I can read it...by all means...be a helpful human and give a brother some wisdom. I'm listening to everyone in this sport now and it makes my head spin a bit.
  6. Hello, could you explain this part more clearly please? What do you mean "parasite drug" And are you referring to scout paramotors when you say "propeller-like inserts in the cage"? Thank you so much for your reply and time
  7. That's the issue I have with those two guys lol. Yahoos to a degree. Unfortunately, I'd be stupid to not take advantage of ththe fact that I have someone "supposedly" knowledgeable in the sport right in my back yard. I'm going to go there and see if I can just get the basics and just feel out the situation. The internet isn't a place to make final determinations about someone imo. I'm one that is oftenly misunderstood via text format. Great, I ordered it I dont know...a lot of his videos say he trains and helps people even if they dont buy his stuff. There are at least 4 instances I've seen him say that. He speaks of being a honorable man and what not...I'd have no problem holding him to his word, I have no problem tipping someone a few hundred bucks if they show me the ropes. I'm a pretty quick learner and dont take long to correct wrongs. I'm just looking for that source of "unintuitive information" out there. I know for a fact that the moment I start kiting a wing, I'll learn the intuitive common sense shit instantly, of course not "instantaneously"..lol you know what I mean.
  8. Have you read this book? I'm thinking of buying it with assumptions that it's a good source to learn all my vocabulary and terminology and parts of paramotoring...from wing lines...to connections...to styles of hanging...etc..shit like that. Going to find this forums "basics" sections to ....learn all the basics Powered Paragliding Bible 5 https://www.amazon.com/dp/097709667X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_JttMBb83MK3RZ
  9. Yup...I'm thinking of getting a scout enduro. Doing more reading... crazy amount of info to take in. I've read all the legal FFA stuff first though so I know all that jargon. Just need to get some more info and non-bias reviews in these paramotors and wings. I'm trying to find someone else local that does paramotoring training or retail...this way I can get a better feel of the sport getting info from to local people...flight junkies and whoever else I find. I just feel really sketched out by all the nonsense and shit talking Kurt does...I wont lie...really rubs me wrong...not to mention also that he blocks comments on his YouTube videos...that really chaps my ass, censoring peoples opinions... ?
  10. You know...from all the drama I see hear and read about flight junkies I'm damn interested too... I mean...I will admit...Kurt Fister talks some mad shit lol
  11. Thanks for the reply, I plan on getting training, there is a local guy by me that has sold hundreds and trained hundreds of people. His name is Kurt Fister I believe, from flight junkies. I merely wanted to get people to mention and specific links they find to be more user than other sources is all...you gotta know what i mean. Like an old time carpenter sharing their carpentry tips that you dont learn from anything but experience. Looking for some wisdom if you will. I'll go forward and get some training.
  12. Also, I'm thinking of purchasing a scout enduro....brand new...and this used wing. http://flyhalo.com/product/niviuk-25m-link-paraglider/ What does anyone got to say about used equipment...especially a wing? Worth it, or just spend the extra $1000 to get a brand new one? Thank you for whoever replies.
  13. Figured the community would be a little more welcoming than this....typical I guess lol
  14. Hi folks. My name is Jarred and I've been doing some research on paramotors. I'm very interested in one and I want to make my first purchase real soon so I can start learning the basics. I need some help and guidance to some literature and info regarding what kind of setup I should buy. My budget is about 10k. I wan I'm 30, very active, 6'1" - 6'2" 160lb and I want to be able to do a barrel roll eventually and want to do long distance flights, cross country as well as high altitude....if I happen to go over some mountains or something. I wouldn't mind doing tandem after a couple years either...so that should be kept in mind. But I plan on reading a lot on this forum and any others some one might direct me to. Thank you and I look forward to chatting with you all.
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