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Harry Strain

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Everything posted by Harry Strain

  1. I'm sorry for resurrecting this old Post, however the information is very valuable, and critical for someone new, like me. I'm a newbie, and I have a MacPara Eden 4 33, and a Parajet Volution 2 with the Polini 200 Thor/EVO. I've been reading the thread located at and I noticed that you, Aquatix, seem to be well versed on this particular Wing, and it's loading characteristics. Living in Arizona, and living at about 4500 FT MSL, a larger Wing was recommended by two different Instructors. I have the PPG Version of the Eden 4 Wing, and I have been a bit worried about the posted weight range for the PPG version of this wing, as stated on MacPara's Website. While reading about this wing in the above Post, specifically, I noticed the Post where you pointed out the Certification Weights for the two different versions of the Eden. I took a quick look at MacPara's Site. You're right! The PG Wing puts my 225 body weight / 305 LB AU weight (clothed with the ParaJet on) in the limits for the PG Wing, but outside of the limits, on the low side, for the PPG Wing. Am I missing something? I've been a bit worried that I bought far too large a wing, when if it were the PG Wing, I would be right in the range where I need to be. Thanks in advance for your time and reply. Harry.
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