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  1. As an avid hiker and fly-camper, I dislike this intensely. It's a one-size-fits-all solution that doesn't let peopler swap out their air mattress or sleeping bag to something suited to the person, conditions or season. They claim it is lighter than the parts separately but it is only a fraction lighter. It is cheap though through the indiegogo offer - it will fail in the market at the listed retail price. When you connect multiples of them together, the entrance is at the end so you have to go through everyone's space to get to yours. If you need to pee at 3am and you're in the middle, well, you're waking up everyone from you to the door. When I flycamp I take my REI T2 half dome (3lbs) hydrogen sleeping bag (11 oz) and air mattress (2lb 2oz?) (total: 5lb 13oz) but if it's midsummer I can leave the tent and sleeping back, and just take the mattress and a tarp tent that fits in my pocket! (9 oz). Fly out to a local off-trail lake or ridge or mesa or sand bank, enjoy the night, return home next dawn. Or even better, have a stash of pre-mixed fuel dropped off at my planned camping site so the next morning I can get in some early flying, then explore/hike during the day and fly back to the truck in the evening/sunset. I'm still planning a huge Historic Route 66 flight west to east over a month or more in 2018 with ground support, if anyone's interested.
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